Our response to COVID-19

Aramco Americas

As the world faces an unprecedented health crisis, we stand with our people. This means our employees, who work tirelessly to bring energy to the world. It means our communities, the neighbors and the families who support us. And it means the global community - for whom energy is an essential and integral part of their lives.

To our people all around the world, we are ready, and we are responsive. We are in this together.

As we continue to deal with the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, I would like to highlight the incredible efforts of our colleagues around the world to ensure that we get through these testing times, together... This is a pivotal moment in our history. Like many of you, I am confident we will get through this. When we do, we will look back with pride on how we did so, together.

Amin H. Nasser, Saudi Aramco President & CEO
Amin H. Nasser, Saudi Aramco President & CEO
Amin H. Nasser, Saudi Aramco President & CEO

About our response

At Aramco Americas, we are committed to the safety and well being of our people and the communities where we live and work. Along with our parent company Aramco, we are part of a global enterprise-wide effort to provide disaster relief and address the Covid pandemic. In the United States, our focus is on ensuring the safety of our employees and their families, fighting hunger with donations and volunteerism at food banks, and supporting hospitals and first-responders in fighting the disease.


For more information and medical advice on COVID-19 around the world, please visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website.