Aramco Americas helps families fight hunger through donations to five food banks

Aramco Americas is helping hungry families and addressing food shortages in communities where it operates, through donations to five food banks nationwide.
Aramco Americas is helping hungry families and addressing food shortages in communities where it operates, through donations to five food banks nationwide. The donations will provide more than 2.6 million meals to those in need in Houston, New York, Washington D.C., Boston, and Detroit. The total value of the donations is $800,000.
Houston Food Bank
The Houston Food Bank, the largest in the U.S. in terms of distribution and serving 18 counties, has been responding to the increased need by distributing on average 1 million pounds of product per day, up from 400,000 pounds before the pandemic began. In response, the long-time Aramco partner received a company donation of more than $300,000. Previously, as part of the company's immediate response to the pandemic, Aramco gave more than $50,000 through an employee and company fundraising initiative.
“Community partners like Aramco are so important to Houston Food Bank at any time, but most especially now as we face one of the most critical times of need that we have ever encountered,” says Brian Greene, president & CEO of the Houston Food Bank. “Hundreds of thousands of people each week are relying upon the food bank for assistance, and to know that we have the assistance and support of amazing partners makes the task more manageable and allows us to work toward our mission of providing food for better lives.”
The Greater Boston Food Bank
In March, Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) distributed nearly 8.1 million pounds of food to 190 cities and towns across Eastern Massachusetts through a network of over 500 partner agencies. In April, that amount increased to over 9.5 million pounds, making these two months the largest distribution months in GBFB history.
“This pandemic is unprecedented in our history so we are very grateful to the generosity of Aramco Americas,” said Catherine D'Amato, president and CEO of The Greater Boston Food Bank. “Aramco's support will go a long way in helping us strengthen the emergency food network in Eastern Massachusetts and help to ensure that we can sustain our efforts during this challenging time.”
Aramco Americas $100,000 donation will help GBFB to purchase and distribute more food to meet the rising demand, reward front-line team members, maintain the cleanliness and safety of GBFB's facility and support the network of more than 500 partner hunger-relief agencies to ensure they have the resources they need to continue providing food to those seeking help.
Gleaners Community Food Bank (Detroit)
According to The Food Bank Council of Michigan, the association for the seven Feeding America food banks serving Michigan's 83 counties, food distribution is up 40 percent over the same time last year, with expectations to continue at an increased level through the summer. Because of Gleaners' distribution efficiencies, every dollar is able to provide three meals to the community. Aramco's $100,000 donation will provide 300,000 meals to children, families, seniors and other vulnerable populations in sudden need.
Prior to additional pandemic needs within the community, Gleaners had already been in the process of expanding programs and partnerships in anticipation of growth to meet pre-COVID-19 community needs. Its innovative programs and community outreach earned it the Feeding America's 2019 Food Bank of the Year award.
“Food security, having access to enough food, is a concept that doesn't just benefit the individuals and families who receive the support, it benefits an entire community—business included,” said Gerry Brisson, President & CEO Gleaners Community Food Bank. “Corporate support during important times like these, from companies like Aramco, help us ensure our hungry neighbors have one less worry, as they know where their next meals will come from.”
Gleaners staff estimate the number of people to be food insecure in the region was more than 610,000 prior to the crisis, but with more than 175,000 residents in Southeast Michigan considered unemployed, that number has increased.
DC Central Kitchen (Washington, D.C.)
As the impact of the COVID-19 crisis has grown, so have DC Central Kitchen's (DCCK) response efforts. The organization has now served more than 324,000 emergency meals and more than 103,000 pounds of fresh produce to children, families, and seniors across DC.
Aramco's $100,000 donation will supply 2,500 DCCK-packed boxes of fresh produce, sufficient to feed a family of four for three days, and provide 12,500 nutritious, scratch-cooked meals for food insecure households across the DC-area.
“Need has increased tremendously,” said Alexander Moore, Chief Development Officer, DCCK. “Since mid-April, weekly demand for our fresh, nutritious produce boxes has grown from 1,900 boxes to 2,900 and the demand for our mobile feeding locations to provide more meals has grown as well.”
Moore says private sector support, like the donation from Aramco, is helping to meet the increased demand.
The Food Bank for New York City
One in five New Yorkers already rely on the Food Bank for support and the economic fallout from the pandemic has increased the need for families to put food on the table. Aramco's donation of $200,000 will go directly into general COVID-19 response fund established to meet the increased demand. A big challenge is fast-tracking food distribution throughout New York City since many soup and pantry kitchens in their network are closed.
The Food Bank for New York City can provide 5 meals for every $1 it receives in donations
Aramco's Commitment
“As a company, we are committed to the communities our employees call home and to being active through donations and volunteerism,” said Mohammad S. Alshammari, Aramco Americas, President & CEO. “Supporting food banks and their vital role in the community is a longtime tradition with us, and we are pleased we can again help provide support in these unprecedented and challenging times.”
Aramco employees, their family members, and company-sponsored students hold annual volunteer activities at food banks around the country.
Aramco's donations to address the coronavirus are part of the company's global relief efforts and in the U.S. are focused on providing food security and supporting the medical response.