Aramco Americas geologist Gillis helps lead AAPG event in Colombia

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists held its annual International Conference & Exhibition in Cartagena, Colombia in late April, where Aramco Americas geologist and AAPG President Gretchen Gillis (center) provided opening remarks about the importance of the industry preparing for the future and supporting the next generation of geoscientists.
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) held its annual International Conference & Exhibition in Cartagena, Colombia in late April, where Aramco Americas geologist and AAPG President Gretchen Gillis provided opening remarks about the importance of the industry preparing for the future and supporting the next generation of geoscientists.
It was the first conference hosted by AAPG outside the U.S. since the pandemic. Attendance was high, with more than 1000 delegates from about 50 countries representing IOCs, NOCs, independent producers, service companies, and academia. Student participation was strong, and the conference organizing committee supported the attendance of more than 65.
The conference included a robust technical program with 170 presentations and 58 posters that balanced traditional E&P activities with energy transition challenges and opportunities and highlighted advances in research, science, and technology.
“As petroleum geoscientists we are essential to finding and developing the energy that fuels the modern world. We should be proud of that fact,” she said. “We also need to realize that our profession will continue to change, and that working together with our engineering colleagues – integrating subsurface science and engineering – will allow us to remain relevant for decades to come.”
Gillis also co-moderated a panel discussion with CEOs from several E&P companies and spoke at a symposium for students and young professionals.
Aramco Geological Operations contributed to the technical program with a poster, “Paleo-valley Identification in a Glacio-Fluvial Depositional,” by Sihai Zhang, and an on-demand presentation, “Fracture Probability Factor for Quantifying Rock Deformation,” by Zakiyah Alkhadrawi.
Aramco Americas Public Affairs, Recruiting and Upstream representatives staffed the booth. Recruiters said participants showed considerable interest in the many jobs being posted by Aramco.
“People were very impressed by the broad range of open roles available and how many opportunities exist across the company,” said Meredith Carr of Aramco Americas Recruiting.