Aramco Sponsors Summer of Science as Michigan Science Center Reopens

The Michigan Science Center (MiSci) reopened its doors on July 10, 2020 with a celebratory “Summer of Science” with free general admission in partnership with Aramco.
The Michigan Science Center (MiSci) reopened its doors on July 10, 2020 with a celebratory “Summer of Science” with free general admission in partnership with Aramco Americas. The Summer of Science allows guests to experience events/exhibitions free through August 9, 2020 including 220 hands-on exhibits, live stage shows, Spark!Lab from Smithsonian, Kids Town, a STEM playground and more.
The Michigan Science Center (MiSci) reopened its doors on July 10, 2020 with a celebratory “Summer of Science” with free general admission in partnership with Aramco.
Aramco Americas’ commitment to Detroit began earlier this year with a Michigan Science Center partnership providing every Detroit Public School Community District 9th grader with energy education, including a visit to MiSci. Aramco now continues its support providing all guests with free general admission to the Summer of Science. Additional support for the Summer of Science has been provided by the William J. Nicholson Foundation.
“We are pleased to continue our support for the Michigan Science Center and the excellent work it does in science, technology, engineering and math education in Detroit,” said Mohammad Alshammari, president & CEO, Aramco Americas. “The Michigan Science Center is a regional STEM hub and making available a visit to the Center for more Detroit area families was a natural outgrowth of Aramco’s commitment to education.”
“We can’t wait to welcome guests back to MiSci! We’ve got fantastic new demonstrations and stage shows planned. With the support of Aramco Americas, MiSci will ensure it’s accessible to all,” said Michigan Science Center President/CEO Christian Greer. “We’ve also instituted additional safety and sanitation procedures in accordance with all new Michigan and CDC guidelines.”
David Cleary, Senior Research Scientist and Head of the Aramco Research Center-Detroit, located in the suburb of Novi, was on hand to talk about his exciting work in science as an engineer developing new cleaner and efficient engines and fuels.
According to Paul Andrews, Chief Development Officer, MiSci, preregistration for opening day sold out to its maximum capacity of 500 following health safety guidelines. For many families it was the first special activity they have enjoyed outside the house since March, he said.
Daily Summer of Science tickets are limited; guests are encouraged to reserve their space on the MiSci website at:
The Michigan Science Center (MiSci) inspires nearly 250,000 curious minds of all ages every year through STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) discovery, innovation and interactive education in Detroit and across the state of Michigan. One of Aramco Americas three U.S.-based research centers is located in the Detroit suburb of Novi. The center focuses on engines and fuels technology.
The Michigan Science Center (MiSci) reopened its doors on July 10, 2020 with a celebratory Summer of Science with free general admission in partnership with Aramco.