Aramco supports advancements in geosciences; recognized for leadership and research

The world’s largest international energy geosciences conference went virtual with Aramco supporting the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE).
The world's largest international energy geosciences conference went virtual with Aramco supporting the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE).
Nearly 120 professionals from Saudi Aramco and worldwide affiliates participated in the event, held September 29-October 1, with a mission to educate, innovate and support a sustainable future through advancements in geosciences.
Formed in the United States, AAPG is a truly international organization with about 40,000 members in 129 countries.
Aramco geoscience professionals have varied backgrounds—geology, geophysics, and geomechanics—working on some of the largest reservoirs and industry challenges in the world. This experience gives us a unique vantage point and the opportunity to contribute to industry knowledge and advancements.
This year was no exception, with Aramco giving technical presentations, chairing sessions and participating in panel discussions.
Sa’id Al-Hajri has contributed steadily to AAPG, the Middle East Region, and the Dhahran Geoscience Society. He has led conference committees and collaborations and has been a dedicated volunteer and judge for the AAPG Imperial Barrel Award (IBA) program for years, both for the Middle East Region and global finals. Addressing the conference in 2018, Al-Hajri was recognized with an Honorary Member award during this year’s virtual AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition.
Special awards and recognition were conferred to Sa'id Al-Hajri, Manager, Geological Operations Department, who was named an AAPG Honorary Member, and Daniele Colombo, Senior Geophysical Consultant, EXPEC Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC), who was recognized with the Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award for his research in surface to borehole electromagnetic methods for waterfront monitoring.
Al-Hajri's Honorary Member Award is in recognition for his visionary leadership in petroleum geoscience, his business acumen, and active passion for enhancing the diversity, globalization and success of AAPG.
Aramco Americas Upstream professionals participated in technical panels on the application of data analytics, which is a subject of growing interest in upstream oil and gas operations.
Aramco Americas Upstream professionals participated in technical panels on the application of data analytics, which is a subject of growing interest in upstream oil and gas operations. Kathy Ball, Geological Consultant, remarked on the importance of connecting digitalization systems and models during the panel “Where Should Machine Learning Go (and Not Go)?” “Operationalize all of your machine learning models back to your earth model,” she said. “Often digital models are siloed but to gain the most value you need to connect the systems and their knowledge.” Giewee Hammond, Data Scientist, noted the challenges in capturing and retaining knowledge from data for future decision-making during the discussion on “Digitization, Data and Knowledge Management.” The topic of artificial intelligence or AI was top-of-mind from the opening session with the question asked, “Will a fully AI interpreted prospect be drilled in the near future?”
Researchers from Aramco's global R&D network gave poster presentations, and U.S.-based researchers in Houston and Boston centers presented during sessions related to Unconventional Plays Around the World and New or Developing Methodologies in Geochemistry.
Aramco served as a Diamond Sponsor for the three-day online event, connecting the global community of geoscience leaders and recognizing the role geoscientists play in discovering and protecting energy resources both on land and sea.
Aramco's Gillis Set to Lead AAPG for 2021
Gretchen Gillis, Geological Consultant, Aramco Americas Upstream is President-Elect of AAPG for the 2020-2021 term. On July 1, 2021 she officially takes office as AAPG President for the 2021-2022 term.
Gillis has been a member of AAPG since 1990 and is the fourth woman to be voted president-elect and serve as president in the organization's 103-year history. She is a member of the eight-person Executive Committee guiding the strategic direction of the organization.